
Our main service is the continuous support to our Customers in all the project phases, starting from the brainstorming phase when the project is just an idea to be developed, going on during the feasibility and engineering phase including the support to the projects financing, continuing to logistic and importation process, project realization and commissioning up to the post commissioning phase.
A steady feedback process between our team and the Client creates the conditions for plants rationalization and continuous technical innovation.
The main focuses on which we provide our support are:
• Gentle and suitable product handling
• Cost-effective power consumption
• Low maintenance and repair costs
• Suitable construction materials
• Dynamic customer service with personalized service
• Functional and efficient after sales service
We are active in business development and we cooperate with trade finance specialists, international financing institutions, export credit agencies and other investors belonging to institutional or private sector.
Thanks to this cooperation we can propose a wide range of customized financial solutions including Suppliers’ Credit and Buyer’s Credit according to the magnitude, location and the type of project.
Based on the assessment of the financial statements of the last years and on the project documents, we evaluate if it is possible to support the Client with financing and propose the right tool.
For small and middle size projects we can propose a commercial contract with deferred payment against international style promissory notes without any bank guarantee, so the debt will be commercial and not financial.

Key assets
Supporting the Client fromthe feasibility phase
HPH can supply a complete and wide range of handling systems. In complex projects, we support the Client to assess several factors regarding location, operational requests and best practice till the choice of the best solution.
Full Customization
The design of each project starts from the scratch, the total customization of our solutions grants flexibility and suitability for careful handling of the product.
Integration of full set of equipmentup to Turn Key solutions loading/unloading
HPH proposes a streamlined design for the fully equipped systems, from the power connection point to the loading unloading point.
Local Presence and Service
HPH has strong network of local partners for project follow up, construction, service and eventually assembling.
Optimization of Logistic andCustom Processes
HPH established a strategic alliance with an experienced Logistics Provider optimizing delivery, custom and importation processes inclusive of fully erected options and Customs compliance guidelines.
Best Investment Value
HPH supports the evaluation of the investment CAPEX together with the OPEX in the view of minimizing the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership); comparing pros and cons with high flexibility.
Rehabilitation of existing equipment
New components can be integrated with new components or automated solution to improve performances and fulfill latest technical and environmental requirements.
Support for Project Financing
HPH supports the Client with Supplier’s or Buyer’s credit solutions with ECAs or private funds.